Looking for pancakes in the Smoky Mountains??? After the breath-taking beauty of the Smoky Mountains the next thing first time visitors to the area notice is the massive numbers of pancake houses. What's a hungry visitor to do??? Read this before going out for breakfast.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Miss Lily's Cafe, Townsend, TN
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Pumpkin Pancakes

Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Bear visits Pancake Pantry
This week Gatlinburg had a visit from a black bear that surprised visitors along the Parkway at the Convention Center. The bear walked through the crowds of tourists and even crossed the street at a crosswalk before he preferred the peace and quiet of the mountain to Gatlinburg's busy streets. WBIR's reporter Stony Sharp did this cute tongue in cheek interview with Zeno the bear ( Gatlinburg's Mascot) that has the bear visiting one of my favorite pancake places , The Pancake Pantry. Enjoy at; http://www.wbir.com/videos/entertainment/2013/09/10/2795795/
Monday, August 26, 2013
Grandmother's Kitchen Golden Cathead Biscuits
I can’t count the number of times my husband and I have passed by Grandmother’s Kitchen and remarked, “We have to stop in there sometime.” The small, unassuming cafe is located in Wear’s Valley and has an equally small unassuming sign that boasts ‘Grandmother’s Kitchen’ Golden Cathead Biscuits.
For the un- initiated a Cat Head Biscuit is a biscuit as big as a cat’s head.
Grandmother’s Kitchen (not sure why it’s not called Granny‘s or Ma Maw’s Kitchen?), is the kind of place I seek out when traveling. I like to eat where the locals eat. I like food that is homemade and from the region. It also doesn’t hurt if the prices are down to earth and not inflated for the tourist. This place has it all.
The menu is basic. Eggs, pancakes, breakfast meats including Country Ham, grits, gravy, nothing fancy. That said the biscuits were beautiful; light and fluffy. The sausage gravy had real pieces of sausage in it! I am so tired of ordering biscuits and gravy and getting white paste with no flavor or sausage . The eggs were large and perfectly cooked.
Grandmother’s Kitchen is open from 7a.m. until 3, serving breakfast and lunch. Another visit is planned real soon to try the fried chicken and homemade desserts.
Grandmother’s Kitchen doesn’t accept credit cards so bring cash. 3030 Wear’s Valley RD., Sevierville. 865-428-7237.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Hillybilly Pancakes
I am always on the lookout for new restaurants serving pancakes in and around the Smoky Mountains, so on a trip from Pigeon Forge to Townsend I was excited to come across a new eatery in the heart of Wears Valley. It is hard to stand out among the many restaurants and gift shops lined up along both sides of the road and taking ones eyes off the road could be life threating but it is hard to pass by Hillbilly's without checkout the 194? Chevy Truck perched high above the road.
The centerpiece inside Hillbilly's is another Antique Chevy Truck displaying a moonshine still that once operated in Oak Ridge , TN.
Hillbilly's is fun and compared on many restaurants in the mountains. pretty reasonably priced. I especially liked the menu include a'la carte items along with breakfast specials. Pancakes, my specialty came plain or topped with strawberries, blueberries or chocolate chips. Bacon, sausage or ham is included in the price : 2 for $5.95 0r 3 for $6.95. The Banana Foster French Toast almost turned me into a pancake trader but I thought I would try them on my next visit. Traditional biscuits and gravy come with cathead biscuits for $5.95 and the serving was big enough to share.
Hillbilly's is a great addition to the breakfast scene in the Smokies. The fun was good, service friendly and fast and the décor made me smile. Best of all it's located off the strip and any excuse to take a trip to Wear's Valley is a good thing.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Flapjack's Named as Best Place to Eat Pancakes in Tennessee

Thursday, April 25, 2013
Elvira's Cafe
Monday, April 8, 2013
Mel's Dinner
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Easter Bunny and Pancakes

Saturday, March 16, 2013
St. Patrick's Day Pancakes
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Flapjack's Pancake Cabin Pintrest Contest

Saturday, February 23, 2013
Old Mill Store in Pigeon Forge
After dining at the Old Mill Restaurant we had to wander over to see the mill up close and check out the flour produced at the mill. Once inside we could see the the 175 year old mill at work, with its massive flint granite stones, each weighing one ton grinding grain into the 1,000 pounds of flour and grits that is produced six days a week. Each bag produced is bagged by and hand tied with the same miller's knot that has been used through the centuries.There is something inside me that satisfies my being when I can partipate not only the history and tradition as well as supporting a local business that has been operating for 175 years. So we left with arms filled with pancake mixes, flour and grits. It didn't hurt that we had sampled the pancakes and yellow grits produced at the mill earlier at breakfast. One of the bags of pancake mix, the sweet potato pancakes went into my Foodie Pen Pal box and was shipped off to Florida. ( More on this next post). The following morning after our visit I couldn't wait to try the Spiced Pumpkin Pancake Mix. I was suprised to find all I had to add was water. (Egg and oil were optional). I served my pancakes with traditional Buttermilk Syrup (post 11/23/12) and they were delicious. The Old Mill is one of the most photographed sites in Pigeon Forge and one of the most historic places to visit. The Old Mill stone ground flours, grits and mixes may be ordered online and shipped anywhere in the country.Visit the web site at http:/www.old-mill.com

Saturday, February 16, 2013
Old Mill in Pigeon Forge
One of the oldest and prettiest places to eat pancakes in Pigeon Forge is at the Old Mill Restaurant, Traffic Light #7. The grist mill dates back to the 1800's where it ground the wheat, corn and barley for the settlers living in the Smokies. The mill continues that tradition today providing the flour and grits used in the Old Mill Restaurant and the Old Mill Pottery House Cafe and Grille.Bags of stone ground flour, pancake mixes, grits and more of available for purchase at the Old Mill Store. The dining room overlooks the Little Pigeon River where guest can watch the geese and ducks playing in the river while enjoying the complementary muffins and orange juice.I fell in love with the bear salt and pepper shakers on the table produced and sold across the street at the Mill Pottery Shop. We ordered the Old Mill Breakfast that included two eggs, pancakes, grits, potatoes, preserves, biscuits, gravy for $7.99. Breakfast meats may be added for an additional fee. Every dish was perfect. The biscuits were light and fluffy and the gravy was great and had pieces of sausage throughout. The pancakes were fresh and delicious. The eggs were perfectly cooked. The Old Mill Restarunt is open daily from 8a.m. until 9 p.m. and serves breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Pancake Day 2013
Shrove Tuesday, Pancake Day or Fastnacht Day, is the same day, the name depends upon where one lives. Shrove Tuesday is the day before Ash Wednesday, the official start of Lent. Shrove is the past tense for shrive, when one asks absolution for ones sins with confession and penance. Housewives use the last of the butter and sugar on this day to prepare for the fast that takes place over the Lenten season. The day is celebrated around the world with the English and Irish eating pancakes. In the German Pennsylvania Dutch Community they eat a yeast raised donut filled with jelly called a Fastnacht.The Polish celebrate with paczki and in Sweden it is semia, a sweet bun filled with whipped cream.
In the United States many churches and communities celebrate with pancake suppers both for fellowship and as a fund raiser. Liberal Kansas takes Pancake Day to a whole different level with a three day celebration of the pancake culminating with an International Pancake Day Race with runners in Olney, England.The Pancake Race began in Olney, England in 1445. The people in Liberal, thought it sounded like fun and in 1950 the two towns began flipping pancakes while running through the street for the first International Pancake Day Race.
Celebrate Pancake Day with family and friends. Pancakes can be simple and inexpensive or fancy and exotic. For kids make the pancakes in fancy shapes by pouring the pancake batter through a funnel or plastic keptuch type squeeze bottle onto the hot griddle.
Check out my pintrest page for Pancake Day Pancakes and ideas. www.pintrest.com/jvhardin/pancakes/
Find pancake day activities for kids at www.activityvillage.co.uk/pancake_day.htm
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
New York Cheesecake Pancakes
I have to confess...I often order pancakes not because I think they will taste good, but because I think they will take a pretty picture for my blog or Pintrest page. So it was this morning. After all the hype about IHOP's National Pancake Day, I woke up craving IHop pancakes. Pursing the menue I came across several pancake varieties and a few crepes that really looked good. After going back and forth way too many times, I finally decided on the New York Cheesecake Pancakes. The pancakes are studded with New York Cheesecake and topped with strawberries, strawberry syrup and whipped cream.I must admit the cakes in front of me looked as pretty as the picture on the menue. I'm not a huge fan of over the top sweet, covered with whipped cream pancakes, but these pancakes were really good. I was a little taken aback with the first bite or two when I tasted something soft and thought the pancake batter wasn't completely cooked through, but then realized it was the soft cheesecake I was tasting.
While the serving of four pancakes was way to much for me to eat, I must confess the New York Cheesecake Pancakes at IHOP are a winner.
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Happy Ground Hog Day
I Love February! I get to celebrate Pancake Month,Ground Hog Day, Panckes Day , Valentine's Day, Lincoln's Birthday, Washington's Birthday, and the last days of winter. Today is ground hog day. My husband has a pretty off beat sense of humor so all week he has been telling his poor Mother that he was going to bring her some ground hog to celebrate the day.His Mother would tell him, " No thank you Michael, just the thought of eating ground hog, makes me sick'. So of course on Ground Hog Day, he shows up at her door carrying a stryofoam take-out container that has Ground Hog for Hardin written in ink on the top. Here you go Mom, he announced as he handed her the box. I had to drive all the way to Sevierville to a Ground Hog Breakfast at the Fire Hall to get this. Mike's Mother had a look of fear and disgust on her face." Michael, I'm not feeling well today, I'm a little sick in my stomach. Sorry , but I can't eat this". It took a little coaxing to get her to open the box and look inside. Her frown turned to smiles as she looked in and saw a McDonald sausage and biscuit inside the box. Ground Hog on a biscuit!! Happy Ground Hog Day
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Funny Pancake Day Video
The longer I write this blog the more I am amazed at the creativity pancake lovers go to share their passion with the world. In researching Pancake Day I came across this very funny You Tube video from England. I think the song is very catchy but should come with a warning; Caution, watching this video one too many times could result in the song being embedded in ones brain. Right now as I am writing this my brain keeps repeating...it's pancake day, pancake day, pan pan pan. Watch the video, you will see what I mean. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/81361018/
Send a Pancake Greeting
Two days left until Pancake Month begins. I was in Walmart yesterday and there in the middle of the Valentine Day display there was a Pink Pancake display. I guess the thinking was; both holidays fall in the same month, and Pancake Day this year falls on February 12, two days before Valentine's Day, so let's come up with a combination gift? I don't know but it works for me. The pretty pink boxes held either pink pancakes with mini chocolate chips or Red Velvet Pancake Mix. The nice think was one only had to add water to the mix to make pretty pink pancakes!!! At $2.98 a box I bought a half dozen boxes to send out to friends with an address label glued to one side of the box and a Happy Pancake Day Greeting glue to the other side. Pancake lovers can also send an e-card for Blueberry Pancake Day. Go to free e-cards and type in Pancake Day to get your card.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Log Cabin Pancake House Royal Pancakes
I was first attracted to the Log Cabin Pancake House in Pigeon Forge by the old time country look. Once inside everyone was 'down home country' friendly and hospitable. The menu was perfect with traditional favorites of biscuits and gravy, country ham and pancakes, pancakes and more pancakes. Mountain favorites of Buttermilk, Buckwheat plain or served with crushed pineapple, corn meal and blackberry pancakes can be found along-side of fancy Parisienne or Caribbean Pancakes. The star of the pancake menu and the one that keeps visitors returing has to be the Royal Pancakes served with fresh sliced bananas and their famous Royal Sauce. While the menu reads the Royal Sauce is a cream cheese based sauce visitors can come close to duplicating the sauce at home with my recipe for ; Old Time Buttermilk Syurp.There are two Log Cabin Pancake Hoses in the Smokies; one in Pigeon Forge and one in Gatlingburg. Both are equally good and a visit to the mountains would not be complete with out a breakfast at the Log Cabin Pancake House.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Pancakes in the Cabin
With sever weather being predicted over the next 24 hours, one might want to stock up on the necessities of bread, milk, toliet paper and pancake fixin's for the cabin. A good place to start is the Kroger in Pigeon Forge. A recent visit found the pancake section filled with a large selection of pancake mixes and syrups.Growing up Aunt Jemima and Bisquick were always in my parents kitchen. I can't ever remembering my Mother making pancakes; that was my Father's job and it happened every Sunday. I usually make pancakes from scratch so I was amazed at the variety on Kroger's shelves. Canisters of Pioneer Brand No-fat Complete Pancake and Waffle Mix and their Buttermilk Baking Mix caught my eye with labels proudly boasting "since 1851". The Bruce Company, known for sweet potatoes,has expanded their product line with packaged Sweet Potato Pancake Mix. This is a great way to sneak veggies into breakfast. Krusteaz, the company that first introduced pancake mix that used water, no eggs or milk, in the 1940's has several varieties including Honey Wheat, Buttermilk and Belgin Waffle. Other brands offered: Apple Cinnamon, Buttermilk Oatmeat, Blueberry, and Corn Meal. The selection of pancake syrups and toppings were even larger than the pancake mix selection. Check it out.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Countdown to Pancake Day
The Pancake countdown has begun; 17 days until Pancake Month and 29 days until Pancake Day. Shrove Tuesday, Pancake Day or Fastnacht Day; the day is the same, the name changes depending upon where one lives. Shrove Tuesday is the day before Ash Wednesday, the day Lent begins. Shrove is the past tense for shrive, when one asks absolution for ones sins with confession and penance.
Housewives used the last of the butter and sugar on this day to prepare for fasting that took place over the Lenten season. This day is celebrated around the world with the English and Irish communities eating pancakes. In the German Pennsylvania Dutch Community this calls for Fastnachts a type of donunt. The polish celebrate with paczki,and in Sweden it is semla, a sweet bun filled with whipped cream.
In the United States today many churches and communities hold pancake suppers; for fellowship or as a fund raiser. Here in Pigeon Forge, Flapjacks Pancake House is holding a fundraiser to benefit the Sevier County Fire Company Association's new training facility.A $5.00 donation will get you bacon or sausage,a beverage and all you can eat pancakes. I'll have more on this fundraiser as the date approaches.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Applewood Farmhouse Grill
We are slowly working our way through the many pancake houses and restaurants serving breakfast in Sevierville,Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg. This weekend we dined at Applewood Farmhouse Grill with visiting family. Applewood Farmhouse Grill is located off 441 at traffic light 12.6 at Apple
Valley Road and next door to Applewood Farmhouse Restaurant. Both are open seven days a week for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Both serve complimentary apple butter,apple fritters, muffins and their signature
Applewood Julep with each meal. The difference is the Applewood Restaurant is served family style while the Grill is al la carte. The breakfast menu is large and varied including local favorites of country ham, fried chicken and country fried steaks. Portions are generous and prices are resonable. They have a small selection of pancakes including buttermilk, blueberry, chocolate chip and Savannah Pecan. Applebutter, applesauce and fried apples are available on the side, but no apple pancakes?During the summer months this place is bustling but on a cold January it was the perfect meet up location, thank you David and Terri.
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